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Monday, April 22, 2013

Deathly Troubled

Let's take a minute to talk about something that's real, something that we, every day, all feel. Let's take a moment and expose our fears. Forget about the simple things like bugs and things that go bump in the night, I want to talk about things that are never quite all right. Some of us are afraid of dying or having a loved one die, but all I ask is why? If we believe in a higher power, something up above, then shouldn't death be something we embrace like those we love? I know this is getting a bit macabre, but to me it seems like people are reluctant to meet God. When someone finally goes "it was their time", but when ours comes around we plead to anyone who will listen, "it's not mine!" Clinging so desperately to our fragile frame of existence, we live a safe life free from any experience. Choose the path of a lonely life, with a steady job, maybe even kids and a wife. A life that was never worth living because it wasn't life at all, when it came to choosing something to do you dropped the ball. Stayed home instead of taking that trip or maybe there was something else that through your hands you let slip. Sitting around fearing the inevitability of death, but if it's so unavoidable why do we give it such a wide breadth? Now I'm not saying that we should go out and do drugs because YOLO, I guess what I'm getting at is just give life a go. It gets tiring to hear people complain they are bored and restless, when it's their own fault for being content and listless. Meandering to and fro with no direction of where to go, and no clue on how to take a chance, I bet they can't even remember the last time they danced. So content in the safe little cocoon, built up around them like an overblown balloon. Bumping into everyone else's little bubble, sometimes I get the urge to pop some and cause a bit of trouble. Watch their faces as they are hit with a bit of reality thanks to my chaotic insanity. Life in a bubble isn't life at all, it's worse than life in a pokeball. At least then you have a purpose, maybe an HM 01, sorry did I lose some people when I cut that one? Some of us strive to be the very best, while some of us never even show up to take the test. So think about your life for a second and the bubble you're in. Take a moment or two then give me a call, I'm always free to do some poppin.

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