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Thursday, April 25, 2013


Life is always full of choices and when it comes to decisions you can hear thousands of voices. All vying to be heard and considered, hoping that maybe for once their answer will be delivered. But sometimes it all comes down to you and there's nothing else another person can do. You are left alone to your own devices, and hopefully you can sift through all the vices. Sometimes it's about professional or business things, but I think more often than not it's about relational things. Do I really love this person or am I just in love with a romanticized version? You see this problem currently afflicts my world because I'm torn between the choice of two different girls. Do I pick the one I think is the one or do I break from routine and do something I've never done? It's quite a problem trying to decide, especially when there's nothing I can hide behind. One girl I've known for a few years and through it all, yeah we've shared some tears. Frustration always comes when you're together, but I always knew it gets better. It's hard to forget someone you loved so dearly, but some distance has let me see a bit more clearly. I do still love her, but maybe she's not right for me, then again maybe she is and just can't see. Then there's the other girl, who's a bit newer to me, but that;s just how things tend to be. Things seem more enticing when they are knew, but when it comes to my affections, if she only knew. You see this impasse comes because I'm the type of guy who has this crippling affliction of being too shy. I freeze with fear at the thought of making a move, because it seems like there's so much too lose. I know in reality it isn't true, but it still seems likes nothing feels right to do. If I chose one will I lose the other? Which is a stupid question because I doubt they even know each other. Yet despite all of these things I've said, instead of asking I'd rather just be dead. That's how deep this fear runs, when presented with two choices I can't even choose one. So, that's the spot I'm currently at, two girls I have clear affections for, but there's nothing I can do about that. It's easy for people just to say "man up and ask", but for a guy like me that's not such an easy task. I have a feeling these women already know who the are, but as for this thing it won't go far. Because no one ever got a date from writing some stupid poem, but at least it's now in the open.

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