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Saturday, January 28, 2012

This is the story of a girl....and one lonely boy

This is the story of a girl…and one lonely boy

    Junior year of high school in Newburg, Wisconsin and not a damn thing has change. It feels like one of those scenes in a movie where the main character stands on a sidewalk looking all sad and dejected while everyone else around him moves in blurs, the only difference is those scenes last thirty seconds and I’ve been stuck in that limbo for the past three years. Ever since I moved here when I was fourteen it’s been the same pithy and boring shit day in and day out.  Before I start the story I feel the need to dispel some already thought up rumors in your head: I am not depressed, suicidal, or emo…I am simply a kid trying to make the best of a broken situation.
    It’s hard to wake up in the morning sometimes because, frankly, who would want to wake up every day to have an ex-Marine yell at you for something? My mother died shortly after the birth of my little sister Marie, who’s 8, and that forced my dad to have to stay home and take after us because while he is an ass, he’s not a total one. Marie is my only vestige of hope for the future, being the only pure soul I see nowadays. Hell, even other kids her age are as cynical and pissed off as me. This morning happens to be particularly quiet, which is nice because my head is pulsing for some reason, because I’m late so I have been forced to walk to school as Dad took the car to drop Marie off because her school starts before mine.
    On the way to school I usually meet up with Craig Horsch, who’s been my best friend since God only knows.  However, this day is turning out to be shit because Craig texted me and he’s not showing up so I’m walking to school alone and cold because Wisconsin doesn’t know what the hell warm is. I pulled my jacket up over my shoulders deciding to pull out a cigarette and lit it blowing little puffs as I walked. And no I am not old enough to buy and/or smoke cigarettes…but Craig is and doesn’t mind helping a friend get his fix. He’s a good kid that boy. Anyways, it was on this morning that I stumbled upon the girl who would send my world into a tailspin. Who would think that a 5’5” blonde girl could cause such damage? Heh, well we will get to that part of the story later.
    I don’t know what was going through my mind, but I stopped at that bus stop and waited for some way to open up a conversation. I stood there with a stupid look and stared across the street because I was afraid if I even so much as looked at her I’d lose everything I didn’t eat for breakfast. Then suddenly the cigarette was yanked from my mouth and playfully put into hers.
    “The name’s Taylor hot shot.” she chimed, giggling softly, “And smoking kills ya know?” she looked up at me.
    “…Roy” I said trying to be as aloof and non-caring as I could, play the cool kid.
    “Roy, schmoy, toy, boy, coy…”she rattled off rhymes bouncing her head back and forth slightly, which was odd and annoying but I wasn‘t paying enough attention to give a damn.
    And then the silence pervaded again as I couldn’t think of one single thing to say in response since I’m not very good at rhyming and Taylor isn’t exactly the easiest name to rhyme, so I took a glance at he, finally, and that glance was all it took to hook me. I fell instantly in love with her short blonde hair, eyes as blue as ice or the ocean or some other cheesy romantic crap, and then there was those soft, pale lips that set themselves in the most delicate of smiles whilst holding what was left of a menthol cigarette…perfection personified.
    “Like what ya see hot shot?” she smiled flashing me a wink, doing a small spin to show herself off.
    “I wasn’t looking…” I shot her a glance, still trying to seem like the detached bad-ass women are supposedly attracted to.
    She poked my shoulder with a finger pushing me a bit as she said, “Fine then, your loss.”
    Shortly after that we both entered onto the bus and took our respective seats, not speaking to each other for the entire length of the ride. I deliberately took a seat behind her as to enjoy her beauty from afar, where I didn’t have to struggle to maintain my persona. The kid next to me kept making jokes because I was staring, but luckily for him I wasn’t paying attention  because I would’ve likely decked him.
    Once at school we didn’t get much of a chance to see each other, let alone talk. The more I sat and brooded over it, the more ridiculous it seemed that a girl like that would go for me. It was a long shot, but I was determined to at least see what would happen. Little did I know what was in store for me.

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