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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Note to Self

Note to self:
Take some time to remind yourself to slow down
It can't hurt to stop and take a look around

Note to self:
Remember, breathing is an important task
That's simple enough, but it never hurts to ask

Note to self:
Don't get too wrapped up in your own pride
As they say, life is just a ride

Note to self:
It's OK to not always be OK
Everything will be OK, someday

Note to self:
As unrealistic as they may seem keep chasing your dreams
Whether you make it or not isn't as important as it seems.

Note to self:
Try and be a little less self-critical
It's nice to have high standards, but to high and you feel pitiful

Note to self:
From time to time, try and stay out of your own mind
And remember, God damn it you've got to be kind.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Little Things

They say love is about the little things
Those small moments that fill the in-between
Gestures and acts that only love brings
The moments that to the larger world stay unseen

And I guess in some respects that might be true
Because I didn't fall in love with the grandeur
It was the way staring into your eyes created the perfect view
Or how even though I hate silence, when with you I could endure

Those little things are what filled the empty space
Grand gestures are nice, but they aren't filling
Quiet little things like they way a laugh would wrinkle your face
It's those moments that keep my mind spinning

But it'd be wrong to say that everything was so perfect
If it was then things would obviously be different
Instead we've split, which is for the better I suspect
How things would be if we remained is irrelevant

As they say, you have know when to let go
And unfortunately that time came, but I don't hold any bad feelings
When it's over, it's over, you just have to know
That love is always about the little things.

Friday, May 13, 2016


My greatest fear is being alone
Not dying alone, that's different, that's just going home.
No, what I fear is one day being completely abandoned
By everyone and everything, only left feeling hollowed

It's weird how even when surrounded I can still feel alone
Lives moving around as I stay silent inside my own zone
You see, I want to reach out and try to make a connection
But always pull back from the obvious fear of rejection

The solution is so simple if I don't want to be alone
To just go out and take a chance, look up from the phone
Fear is a powerful force, not to be underestimated
It's exhausting to put myself out there to be decimated

So this fear persists of someday being completely alone
Something I admit might be a bit overblown
But that's how fears work, building off insecurities
Working its way down deep into your psyche