Have you ever wondered if there's something more to mirrors? Like maybe behind the glass is some sort of alternate world that could be entered if you only knew how. I remember as a kid I used to stand sideways in front of the mirror and try to look at it out of the corners of my eyes. Maybe, just maybe, I could trick the man in the mirror into thinking I wasn't looking and then if I could only just catch him moving I'd have a way into this secret world.
It's a surreal experience sometimes if you take the effort to just stare into a mirror. Take out all noise and external influences, strip it all down to just you and "yourself", if it can be called yourself. Mirrors really offer us a strange look at ourselves because we only see a reflection and that reflection is changed by our various perceptions...so what are we really seeing? Is it what everyone else sees, some idealized version of ourselves, or even a worse version depending on your self-esteem? Whenever I reached my hand out towards the mirror I wished it would reach back and pull me in.
I never could imagine what to expect once I crossed through, would it be a whole other world? Or would I be trapped in a permanent state, stuck to that one mirror? I still sometimes wish I could transport somewhere else like that. Just go someplace completely unknown and find something totally new, strange, and all together fascinating.