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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Picking apart a poem

"There once was a man from Peru
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe
He awoke in the night with a terrible fright
To find out his dream had come true"

OK. So yes this is a children's nursery rhyme, but I'm bored and felt like nitpicking. Most other nursery rhymes make some sense (as much as a nursery rhyme can anyways) but this one just doesn't sit right. A dream like that is one thing, but for it to be true that man had to physically get up whilst sleeping obtain a shoe and proceed munching on it. I am aware people do sleepwalk, but those people simply meander around and occasionally mumble something funny. This man, however; grabbed and item and tried eating it, and unless he's extra weird and sleeps with his shoes on his night stand he most likely walked the length of his house. Again, I'm just being nitpicky but that was what was on my mind.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Beginning

Well this isn't going to be a long post, more of a "Hey how's it going? this is what my blog is about" kind of thing. I have the aspirations of being a journalist when I exit college, but simple columns and articles and enough of an artistic vehicle for me, so on this blog I have the hopes of posting some short stories and such that people might enjoy. I'm open to ANY story suggestions you have and I more than welcome criticism if you're a bit harsh that's ok I am a big boy I can handle, but please be reasonable. I would appreciate no flaming or anything of the sort, I'm not sensitive but I am easily annoyed and have become quite good at verbally abusing people, but I'd rather not so lets keep it nice and hope this all goes well. And again if you have an idea for a story you'd like me to write go on ahead and let me know I'll try or at least consider anything!